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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wings in the Forest--A Garden Chronicle for 2011 (entry 4)

Well my 36 years on the planet have not stolen my wonder. This morning I found two tiny tomato sprouts that were not there yesterday--for days I watered and gave them growing lights and nothing. Suddenly they appear--all this time growing and sprouting under the soil.

Certainly a reminder of what we need to share "light and love"--everything else will fall into place.

This week in the garden we had lots of new faces that quickly became friends. Some even found old friends. It was so nice to see some teens out and working in the garden along side yearlings. Speaking of yearlings, one little boy stood for his longest time so far while watching the worms wiggle in the worm bin.

There was a lot of work going on and everyone quickly found their place in the garden. Mr. Blake (Heather's substitute for the day) helped start a fence with some. We had quick interest from a sprouting photographer to take over camera duty. Lots of workers digging, planting, covering and watering our sunflower seeds.

We were able to run two lines of sunflower seeds this week with the intention to have the peas and sunflowers grow together as sisters. Companion gardening is one way to give back to the earth as well as make good use of a small space.

We also took a short walk into the forest during the heat of the day to find new green. There was lots of it, plenty of insects working, and an exciting hole in the ground that once was used as a "refrigerator". I am betting that next week we will have a hard time finding new green--it may be everywhere and coming in fast.

The worms living in the worm bin created lots of questions--please let me know if you have interest in building your own worm bin, we can easily get together.

If you would like to join us in the garden, please click here for details.


1 comment:

Kristin said...

Great post, sorry we missed yet another week!