Upcoming Events

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Oh the fun we have had!!!

We have had such a productive year, we look forward to more adventures together.

Me at our quarterly meeting.
My partner in crime...we facilltate our groups activities together.

Want to join in the fun?

To learn more click here or keep an eye on the calendar and send us an email 

so we can give you a proper welcome!


Early Learning Circle

Early Learning Circle is currently seeking a new leader within our co-operative, will let you know if someone volunteers.

Enrichment Circle
Wooden gods and goddesses from our Enrichment Circle's Greek Mythology study.

Enrichment Circle Greek Mythology matching game.
A night out with ASAW teens!
One of our teens like challenging himself with projects.

Our study of the History of Tea.

We are continuing with our Enrichment Circle program with a few changes in schedule, please email us at melanie@alifeoflessons.com for updates.

Williamsburg Froebel Extension

Froebel Classes with Williamsburg Froebel Extension, Ms. Tiffeni brings us Froebel learning experiences.

Our Field Trips
A day at Busch Gardens before it gets too hot.

To Martin's grocery store.

Take me out to the ball game!

James River Ferry on route to Surry Power Plant

At the Surry Power Plant

At the Glass Spot, making pumpkins.

At Morefield Mines

Strawberry Picking

Our visit to the Pumpkin Patch!!!

Crafting and Fun

Our Valentine Craft Exchange

Growing Spring Baskets and
Decorating Eggs

Veggie Printing and Weaving

May Day Fun

Origami and Watercolor Exploration

Lantern Making for Martinmas Celebration

River Light Cottage 
(a sister program with a 3 day Waldorf learning experience)

Birthday Celebrations

Puppet Stories
Summer Water Adventures

Lake Phoenix Snorkle Trip

Lake Shawnee

York River Beach

Forest Fun and Festivals

Just Having Fun

Lots of Love and Friendship

What babies do while kids play!

What mom's do while kids play!

Halloween Journey with River Light Cottage 

Our Martinmas Lantern Walk at the Canal 
with River Light Cottage

Learning about Bees.....bzzzz!

I know we babble about "there is no bad weather just bad clothing choices" but sometimes enough is enough...and we go bowling!